We would have had it to you the day after it was published, but we were on vacation. Oh Boy!!! Thousands of dollars will be spent trying to figure out who leaked this one! We love the paragraph on page 3, that states: ... Maybe Attorney Craig should consider going into private practice so he doesn't have to deal with the FOJs, Jack Ass Harris, the Polombos or any other 4th floor/management morons in the Phoenix PD. We hear Jess Lorona is looking for some good folks! ...
Around the same time, five members of a Selma family were killed in a rollover accident as they were returning from a spring break bvacation/b in Mexico. The family was reportedly returning to Selma from Guanajuato, Mexico, b.../b
Loro-lorone familiar, ditrimo karo pendengare, sing artine podo karo (lek boso melayu): ?dengan?/?sama?. Tapi lek menurut aku, ?ambek? iki kok luwih cocok lek digawe kanggo nyambung kata sing njelasno ?sarana?, sing iso dadi artine ...